Way has earned the status of a TIPS Approved Vendor!

TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System) is a leading, national, purchasing cooperative benefiting EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT and NON-PROFIT AGENCIES.

As a TIPS Vendor Way is able to provide our customers with an alternative proven procurement method. TIPS competitively bids contracts in order to streamline the purchasing process and save their members TIME and MONEY. By contracting with high performance vendors, TIPS is able to offer opportunities for greater efficiency in pricing and delivery of goods and services. Membership is free and it’s simple to sign up.

Who Can become a TIPS Member?

• K-12 School District
• Private Schools
• Counties, Cities & Municipalities
• State Agencies
• Charitable Organizations
• Churches
• Charter Schools
• Universities
• Colleges
• Emergency Service Districts
• Park Districts

Our customers know that they are receiving top tier service from a well-vetted company. TIPS takes the guess work out of selecting a provider to complete projects. Members have the ability to choose from an array of services under their TIPS membership.

Let the Way Companies help facilitate some of your projects today!